Another Succesful Manitoba Black Bear season is over.

Another Succesful Manitoba Black Bear season is over.

Another Succesful Manitoba Black Bear season is over.

June 16, 2013 by

We finished early with days to spare, everyone bagging a wonderful animal. 17 bears out of 18, only because 1 repeat hunter decided not to kill a bear unless it met his goal, even passing on a nice little blond!!! Gotta appreciate that. This maintains our statement of 100% oportunity.

We shot some very nice bears this year again, no 600+ lb'ers but some over 400, and some beutiful colored bears, aprox 40% colored. Saw many sows w/cubs like always, proof of a healthy habitat and bear population.

A returning hunter had a close encounter with a bear in his tree stand on his first day, and this was not his frst time as last fall he had the same encounter. After a few failed attempts to shoo him away, this determined bear would not quit trying to get in the tree and was later reported making the tell tale chalenging sound "neaah neaah neaah" or so it sounds. The hunter decided it was getting too dangerous as it just would not stop, so he shoot him before it was too late. Turns out it was a dark chocolate boar and ended with a great story.

A few of the hunters and guides were fortunate to see a couple very large bears, VERY LARGE bears, MONSTERS and i mean Riverside Lodge MONSTERS not just anywhere. None presented a shot however as they were either at the bait just as they were arriving or circling the perimeter of the baits keeping all others away but not exposing themselves for a shot. Smart these bears are, very smart, which makes them all the more a prized animal. The fellas that saw these big bears, will be back, as you can't ever forget the sheer size and impressive stature of a mature beast such as those. They are hard to kill because the bullets and arrows are even scared of them and often turn or slow down, hahaha.

Bought myself a cool little hands free video camera so i will posting some videos of our hunting soon. Still learning how to use the editing software so it may be a bit amateurish.

Great hunt, great people, great weather after a very late start to spring. Looking forward to this fall hunt and our plans to fool some big bears.

Still some tags left for this fall, give me a call and we can talk about dates.

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