2023 Photos & Text Copyright - © Riverside Lodge

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Copyright material

December 08, 2023 by

It takes a lot of thought and time to keep the content on my website interesting, relevant and useful. It also requires years of experience and trial and error learning the craft, gaining knowledge from doing things both right and wrong way. I feel compelled to write about some of these topics for several reasons. But, over the years i notice some people "stealing" words, phrases, tips etc and using it to promote themselves. As of late i have seen videos, magazine articles and even books written by some self proclaimed "experts" on the subject of bears, almost word for word stolen from my website pages and videos. On one hand it is flattering but at the end of the day it pisses me off. The world of the internet has created instant "experts" and posers who spend their time perusing and stealing knowledge from the internet rather than boots on the ground learning for themselves. With this they capitalize and monetize for their own profit. So to all of you, and you know who you are, just know i see you and what you do. Sadly i have to remove and stop further posting on my website. You will have to get off your arse and go into the woods and earn your own way.

By the way, this means something  2023 Photos & Text Copyright - © Riverside Lodge

Posted in: Uncategorized, Waterfowl Hunting, Bear Hunting, Fishing, Predator Hunting, Whitetail Hunting, Lodge

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To our 2025 booked hunting guests


That line between our respective tracts of soil means nothing to the animals we pursue, as it does not to us. 

Lilys buck from 2023


There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too. 

My 2024 buck


the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.

Josie 2022 Buck


Here is Josie with her 2022 buck. 

Charlette's First Buck


Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall! 

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