2019 spring bear season report
That's a wrap, our 2019 spring bear season is over and what a great season it was.
Bear hunting stats
No. of hunters = 25
No of kills = 19
Opportunity = 100% (everyone could have killed a bear)
Bears seen= 102 (many were color phase)
Color phase harvested= 45%
Biggest bear = 410 lbs
The hunters that did not shoot a bear were specifically hunting for a big mature boar "bear of a lifetime". Not an easy task. Not to mention judging a bear's size is the most difficult part of bear hunting! We are up to the challenge, as we have always been able to fill each hunters quest for a specific bear, the longest it ever took for that is 3 years.
Passing on so many quality bears can cause remorse but as the saying goes, "I won't shoot a 500 pounder if i shoot a 300 pounder". I commend the hunter who starts out a "Big" bear hunter on Monday and is still a "Big" bear hunter on Friday!
We will post pictures soon.
Thank you to all of our great customers and staff for another successful season!
Posted in: Bear Hunting, Predator Hunting, Lodge
News & Events
There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too.
the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.
Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall!
Last fall 2023 Clara harvested her first Whitetail!
While sitting in the blind she heard it walking behind, and once it appeared