First buck of 2019 season
I love this picture of our daughter Lily over her 2019 Whitetail buck, her 4th buck ever taken. She made an excellent shot killing it quickly just like she learned. This picture of her admiring the animal makes me proud that she has developed the love and respect of all things wild and cherishes these moments being thankful to the Whitetail deer. Further pictures from the day would show her skinning and trimming the carcass preparing the meat which was butchered and packaged then put in our freezer to provide delicious nutrition for our friends and family, all done with our own hands. She cares about all animals but has her priorities straight. She is a trophy hunter, a meat hunter and a loving hunter. No confusion in this girl's mind and no influence from the ignorant will change that. She is strong and confident yet forever learning all due to her involvement in hunting.
Big bucks, yes she is just like all of us, desire the opportunity of a monster, but hunting teaches us to respect the animal and they are all trophies. Conservation is the means in which there will always be enough for everyone to enjoy. I think she will be a great ambassador for hunting as she learns and walks the way of a true hunter.
Posted in: Whitetail Hunting
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There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too.
the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.
Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall!
Last fall 2023 Clara harvested her first Whitetail!
While sitting in the blind she heard it walking behind, and once it appeared