First Winter Storm
Still digging out from the last storm we had, with drifts 7 ft high and hard as stone it turned into a quite a chore. The winds from the north west can sure blow in our property. I was planning on hauling a big load some spring bear bait 30 miles up the lake with the truck, but after this i am not sure that i wouldn't get stuck. Lots of snow on 2ft of pure ice = no traction if you get stuck. So much for a nice warm trip, back to hauling with sleds and ski-doos.
Our spring bear hunts are mostly planned with only 4 spots left to hunt our tent camp. Lots of planning involved and long lists of "to dos" but it is going to be worth the effort as we should have some large bear pictures as well as some color phase bears to show.
Temperatures are supposed to plummet again, good thing the wood pile is big.
Something i plan on doing better is photographing our work, play and what not. My problem is to stop and take the pictures. Also my cameras are quite large so just having them handy is difficult. Add the cold weather killing batteries quick and it becomes even more troublesome. But i see there are some very small low quality cameras out there now, which is all i need for daily photo logging and will fit in my pocket.
We also have a facebook page http://www.huntriverside/ and we are on twitter and linkedin. That is all for now.
News & Events
There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too.
the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.
Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall!
Last fall 2023 Clara harvested her first Whitetail!
While sitting in the blind she heard it walking behind, and once it appeared