Funny side of things
I was browsing around, as I usually do and I came across this joke and I thought I would pass this along to our readers.Have yourself a good laugh!
Two boys went out duck hunting for the first time. They were out in the cold morning for hours, and though ducks were everywhere, they and their hunting dogs hadn't been able to get even one. Finally, one boy says to the other, "Maybe we ought to give this up." The other replies, "Naw, let's give it a while longer."
"C'mon, let's face it, we just ain't duck hunters."
"Well, let's keep trying. Maybe we're just not throwing the dogs up high enough."
News & Events
To our 2025 booked hunting guests
That line between our respective tracts of soil means nothing to the animals we pursue, as it does not to us.
There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too.
the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.
Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall!