ice Fishing lake Dauphin

ice Fishing lake Dauphin

February 09, 2014 by

Since this winter has been one of our busiest with projects on the go, plus we all know how darn miserable the weather has been since early December! I hadn't washed a hook since open water, so i took the weekend off to fish out of our shacks on the lake. Went with friends yesterday and with kids today, caught fish and ate well, had a blast!

The weather was beutiful, barely a wind, -20C (that's about -6F for our southern freinds) and we laughed at ourselves standing outside in our T-shirts smiling into the sun exclaiming how nice of a day it is! YOU KNOW IT'S BEEN A COLD ASS WINTER WHEN -20 FEELS WARM!!!!!!

This winter has caused greif for many people, businesses, schools etc. if it isn't a snowstorm, it's one thousand below zero and almost everday has been windy, somedays wickedly windy! I think the earth "broke an axle" and is spinning on a different axis, causing a disturbance to our "usual" weather patterns. Must be global warming, hahahah ya right.

Oh well, in a few months we'll be complaining about the heat, mosquitoes, rain etc. Whatever we get, we'll find ways of dealing with it just like we always do. 

Had a great time fishing, kids caught loads of walleye, big pike and even caught a fishing rod that was pulled down a hole yesterday by a pike! Yes pulled up a pike with freinds rod and hook, the whole works. Can't believe the fish was still hanging around the area since yesterday, and it even bit my hook the greedy bugger.



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That line between our respective tracts of soil means nothing to the animals we pursue, as it does not to us. 

Lilys buck from 2023


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My 2024 buck


the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.

Josie 2022 Buck


Here is Josie with her 2022 buck. 

Charlette's First Buck


Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall! 

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