Sick of winter, if that`s what we calls this

Sick of winter, if that`s what we calls this

February 20, 2014 by

I am possitive everyone will agree here in Manitoba, it is, has been the most terrible winter in many years. Avid winter sports fans, snowmobilers, ice fisherman etc have all been heard saying they wish winter was over. Day after day snow storms blow through, wicked cold temps bite at us through our clothes, it prys at the walls of our homes, seizes moving parts on vehicles, slowly wears down the wildlife to a point where they struggle for survival, causes wide spread anger and depression amongst the people. 

We are used to cold, with spells in the -30C and colder, for a couple weeks on end, that is normal. But this year it has been super cold, miserable winds, snow storms all winter. It will warm up for a day or two but then falls right back into the deep freeze. GLOBAL WARMING MY ASS! But in all seriuosness i think there is something awry with the weather. All 4 seasons throughout the year are full of extremes. Normal can`t be said any longer as there is no such thing. I am worried about what the future may bring, as this might be the early warning signs of èxtreme cold, heat, winds etc that could move in. I would be terrified if i lived in a city relying on public infrastructure to keep our house warm and lights on. 

Just need to make it another 1.5 months and it should, hopefully, start to warm up. We surely don`t want a replay of last spring when winter hung on until late April!

We i tried to put my feelings about this winter into words, in summary `It Blows!`literally.

My next rant will likley be about the spring flood when all this snow melts and with the help of every man made drainage ditch in the fields, the water will rush here in a big swoosh. But at least it will be warm.

On a positive note, the fish are still biting. But you have to twist the shanks of your hooks because the ice is so thick the fish have to swim sideways on the bottom.

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