Spring or mild winter bear hunt?

Spring or mild winter bear hunt?

April 26, 0209 by

It is a very cold late spring, none the likes of any i remember seeing. It is still freezing at night and some days, still ice on the small lakes and 2 ft on the big lake. Can't launch a boat yet but the river is open, just not my boat launch. Going to be an interesting spring hunt, the season opens tomorrow but i am glad we don't start for another 2 weeks. We plan it that way just incase such as this happens, and it paid off. The bears are our moving around and starting to hit the baits but nothing crazy. I think our first hunters will be surprised as they were here last year and what a difference.

We'll still have a good time and skin some big bears but it will make life more interesting. For one preparation is difficult as i normally have all the little things taken care of and most of the big projects by now. We are about 3 weeks behind normal so i have a lot of work to do in a short time. The other is spring is ugly till it warms up and things start to grow, right now it is ugly. No greenery yet and ground is wet, frost still coming out of the ground causing boils and everywhere is wet and muddy. That's spring and we are getting the extended version.

I know of a some bear hunters hitting the baits on Monday morning, April 27th, so if anybody reading this wants some updates give me a call. 1-866-214-8402

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