The idiots are winning, again.
Well i just got word that effective imediately, all trapping is banned in Provincial Parks with heavy use in Manitoba. This is after someone's dog was killed after being caught in a conibear trap, which is ironically a humane quick kill trap aproved for use in Manitoba. Anyhow, my point is that trapping is a vital part of game management and actual trapper numbers have been declining. The low fur price and high input costs have forced many to hang up the traps. The fur price has come back somewhat the past 2 years and so have trapper numbers. I won't get into the debate about benifits of trapping, only a few points, but it is what this country was built on! Beaver furs alone were the revenue which made it possible for the country to be explored and discovered. Not to mention it is the cleanest renewable resource on the planet. Anyone who has ever worn real fur knows that "thinsulate" and "gortex" sucks in comparison. I'll go with real vs synthetic anyday of the week. I could go on and on.
But guess who will be CRYING when the beavers are eating their trees around their cottage, or the squirells have eaten holes in their roofs, or the coyotes and wolves have eaten their dog, Or rabbies and disease explodes due to over population and threatens everyone. It will be the tree huggin idiots who all banned together to stop the trapping so "twinkle nuts" can run around off his leash wearing his little fleece sweater and boots and everyone is smiling. Those are the airheads that will be calling in a couple years for SOMEONE to DO SOMETHING about the fur bearer which has then become a "pest" to them. The "pest" will then be destroyed wastefully, without any gain nor management.
You see, there are many people who, for many reasons, are out of touch with nature and the role we must play in order to maintain a balance. I don't have all the answers but we have to maintain management that works. Knee jerk reations has become far too common for Manitoba Conservation, especially in the past couple years. The problem is,,,,,,,,they are broke, NO MONEY! They have to cut back on expenses and the first thing to go is enforcement budget, man hours and fuel. We are going backwards peple, the province is failing to manage the game populations. That is why we have a Moose closure, deer closures, over population of wolves and coyotes, over population of beavers, and on and on. This week they closed 4 offices in Manitoba cliaming to streamline their expenses and no changes will occur with enforcement or other key services, baloney. It is going to get terribly worse, until there is nothing left to manage. Bastardized and bitched is what will be left under the current government agenda.
Don't believe me, well then either wait and see, or make some calls and ask questions. I hope i am wrong, cause if i am not, it will be a sad future for the game and fur animals in Manitoba, plus us humans.
Now, will driving down a highway become banned if a handfull of idiots decide they want to walk their dogs their too? Couple mutts might get smoked by a chevy. Following the precedent logic, driving on highways heavily used by public walking their dogs should be banned too.
That's my rant, i said it, tired of being fed shit and told it is chocolate pie. Hopefully the mighty one in charge snaps out of it before it's too late.
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There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too.
the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.
Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall!
Last fall 2023 Clara harvested her first Whitetail!
While sitting in the blind she heard it walking behind, and once it appeared