

July 13, 2012 by

I have no experience with tornados at all, that is until 2 weeks ago. It was definitely the worst storm i have ever witnessed. The winds were well over 100 mph and sounded like a deep constant thunder noise that didn't quite just got louder. We huddled in the basement hoping the roof would stay on. This went on for sometime, once it tapered off i went to look if we still had a house and yard. The mess was horrible, huge trees twisted off right behind the house, 20 ft high! Shingles torn off and yard furniture/tools everywhere. 1boat got tossed around the opostite way but no damage. Mostly trees twisted and tossed around and behold not a building nor equipment was harmed. Just about 50 trees that have to be cleaned up. It is sad to see those old 100 ft maples and ash destroyed. I think i bunred out a chainsaw this week cleaning them up.

So, i think it was a tornado because all the trees are twisted clockwise 20 ft up. What kind of wind would twist big mature trees? I would guess spinning winds? Maybe not, but i hope i never see another!

Nobody was hurt and i am thankful for that, we were very scared as there is nothing a man can do against nature if it gets bad enough.

So fire, floods and winds, we have had our share of the elements!

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Charlette's First Buck


Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall! 

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