update summer 2011

update summer 2011

August 15, 2011 by

just getting back on here, havn't had much time to type about news, althought there is lots happening. Here is a sample, i won't go into too much detail.

  1. Flood waters- Levels are starting to drop and the RM has fixed the road into our Valley Riverside Lodge on Lake Dauphin. We are now looking at some diking options to protect us from this happening again. We are also repairing some damages to the buildings and property. Duck Bay lodge is also being threatened by high water and we will have to look into some mitigation there too if levels stay high into winter.
  2. Duck production- We are looking at some very late hatches this year. I have canvas backs that can't fly yet off my lane and many other broods looking very young. There are good numbers and predation was far less as there is lots of water flooding the landscape.
  3. Family- It has been a stressful summer for us but we still are enjoying all the warm (hot!) weather and few rain clouds. We have been busy just moving forward and not slowing down. We are lucky in many ways and with only a couple weeks left of summer holidays we want to enjoy all that we can before life becomes more structured again with kids in school and shorter days.
  4. Fishing- as soon as i get a line wet i will let you know. Rumours are that the bite is hot if you can launch a boat! The high waters rendered many boat launches un-usable for most of the summer.
  5. Hunting- i have had an incredible urge to kill something to eat! I can't wait till a season opens and i can go harvest some healthy truly "organic" bounty and cook it on the BBQ.

It is late and i need some shut eye, more later.

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Josie 2022 Buck


Here is Josie with her 2022 buck. 

Lilys buck from 2023


There is that famous "buck down smile" of hers. Lily has shot many deer, her biggest was in 2021 but this one is a dandy too. 

My 2024 buck


the great times chasing these intelligent beasts. His age and size has sausage written all over it, not steaks haaa.

Charlette's First Buck


Congratulations to our youngest hunter Charlette who shot her first buck this fall! 

Belated Congrats Clara


Last fall 2023 Clara harvested her first Whitetail! 

While sitting in the blind she heard it walking behind, and once it appeared 

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