Black Bear Hunting
A black bear hunt allows a leisurely morning continental breakfast. We sit down to a fabulous lunch and prepare you for the afternoon hunt. You will hunt from mid-afternoon until 1/2 hr past sunset.
Travel to the stands is by truck then a short walk or Atv for the further baits. The baits are situated strategically for best bear attraction, not for ease of getting there, but rest assured we take care in safe travel. You will have a radio to use for checking in with the guide at predetermined times, or when you shoot your bruin. We will give you a more detailed orientation upon arrival as to what to do, listen for, etc., when you shoot your bear.
Spring hunts are usually warm but come prepared for cold weather and wet weather. Also, it may be a good idea to bring some mosquito net clothing and repellent. The thermacells are very popular and actually work well, most hunters swear by them. Fall hunts can be cool and wet also but fewer bugs. BUT, we don't have black flies or no-seeums!
What To Bring
- Camouflage or hunter green clothing.
- Blaze orange hat/togue and vest for the fall hunt.
- Mosquito repellent and/or Mosquito netting jacket, headgear, etc.(ThermaCell's work great).
- Safety harness and lanyard (your choice)
- Firearm and ammunition
- Waterproof walking boots
- Good quality rain gear (waterproof!)
- Knee-high rubber boots
- Light jacket
- Light footwear for around camp/lodge
- Insulated jacket
- Headwear - light
- Headwear - insulated
- Gloves - light
- Gloves or Mitts - insulated
- Insulated pants or jumpsuit or long underwear
- Personal effects, such as medication, toiletries, alcohol and tobacco.
- Soft drinks, bottled drinking water, snacks, etc.
- Cooler (if you wish to take meat/trophy home)
- Passport is now required
- Hunter Safety now required
- Border crossing forms pre-filled.(firearms declaration form 1-800-731-4000), information at Canada customs 1-800-461-9999
- Travel arrangements made
- Camera
(contact us for specifics on the gear required for certain Big Game seasons)
Tent Camp-Additional Items To Bring
- Warm sleeping bag (if flying let us know and we will provide them)
- Towels, facecloth, shampoo
- Extra socks
- Book to read while relaxing at camp and for rainy days
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries for electronics
- We always try to return back to the lodge on time, but if bad weather hinders, safe travel we will stay put till it is safe to travel. Also, the area we hunt does not have fast responding emergency services, in fact, there is virtually none. So if you require any medication, pack extra in case of delayed departure.
All Big Game hunters are required to sight in their rifles at our range on the day of arrival. Allow for arrival in daylight and extra ammunition accordingly.
Bear Hunting
Why do black bears go through color phases?
Why black bears go through color phases and where is the best place to hunt them.
We have never offered this kind of bear hunting special before! But we have extra tags available for this year only so we thought "Let's add a week to the fall hunt and make an offer nobody can refuse." The prices below are real, not a type error!